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事情发生的经过: At the federal level, 周五,部分政府关闭进入第35天,国会领导人试图达成共识. 在州一级, 大会的成员们正在罗利的立法办公室里搬来搬去,为即将开始的冗长会议做准备.
单词释义: Speaking of the state legisalture, 我们正在了解哪些成员将在议院的各个委员会任职. House Speaker Tim Moore on Friday released a final roster, filling out committees ranging from Aging to Wildlife Resources. 代表. David Lewis of Dunn will continue to lead the House Rules Committee. “我感谢这么多众议院议员和工作人员的辛勤工作,为联大又一次成功的会议做准备,” Speaker Moore said. Senate leader Phil Berger released committee assignments for his chamber earlier this month​
利用: The long session will kick off on Wednesday, Jan. 30. 
瘦子: T在这里's not much else to say at this point. 立法机关的组织工作似乎比往年的计划提前了, lawmakers are in position, 和 we look forward to working with them as the 2019 session lifts off. 

周一开始的是全州范围内关于为社区提供更好的宽带接入的一系列对话. 它被称为“让我们联系起来”,由365足彩下载赞助,明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州.-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance 和 N.C. 宽带的问题. Join your neighbors, 社区领袖, 本地互联网服务提供商和国家专家讨论如何改善我们州的互联网接入. Stops are scheduled for Jan. 28 in Albemarle​, Jan. 29 in Fuquay-Varina 和 Jan. 杰克逊维尔30人. 点击这里​ for location specifics 和 registration.
In related news, the Jacksonville Daily News published an 评论文章 today (Friday) saying the region "needs a broadb和 boost." "With the combined efforts of elected officials, 当地的领导人, 农村合作社, Internet service providers, 和 engaged residents, 整个州的社区都可以确保他们不会在一个联系日益紧密的世界中落后,报纸上的这篇文章说,然后把Let's Connect作为开始对话的一种方式. 

地方公务员退休制度理事会将于14日举行定期会议. Among agenda items: determining future employer contribution rates for the system. 根据将提供给董事会的信息-包括可查看的文件 在这里在这里 -董事会将考虑在2024-25财年之前将普通雇员的未来雇主缴费率提高到13%以上的选项.
尽管近年来地方政府提供的捐款超过了该系统所需的全部资金, a combination of factors – including a projected -1.预计2018年系统投资回报率为5%,将导致未来几年系统资金短缺. Due to this shortfall, 董事会将考虑修订雇主供款率稳定政策(ECRSP)的方案, 这是 2016年获批 with League support 和 until now has allowed for full funding of the system.
If the board goes with the proposed option that would move away from the ECRSP, 2019- 2020财年一般雇员的雇主缴费率预计为8%.95%. That's still a projection at this point; the League will keep you updated on the board’s decision 和 communicate any information on employer contribution rates as soon as it is available.

2019年的小镇 & State Dinner less than a month away, now is the time to book your reservation​, as seats are filling quickly. 定于2月. 20 in Raleigh, the 小镇 & State Dinner is w在这里 municipal officials 和 state legislators will break bread, 网络, 加强关系,讨论为更好的北卡罗来纳共同努力的机会. Municipal officials: be sure to personally invite your legislator. The day will also include informational sessions on broadb和 access, 经济适用房, 和 legislative happenings. 不要等; 现在注册

州长办公室最新的州董事会和委员会任命名单包括地方政府的经验. Elon 小镇 Manager Richard J. 怀特已被任命为代码官员资格委员会的一名市政经理. 戴维森镇专员简·坎贝尔被任命为退伍军人事务委员会委员, who served more than 25 years in the Navy, according to the governor's office. nel玫瑰园, 前卡里镇议会成员(前副幕僚长和首席财务官).C. 总检察长办公室)已被任命为补充退休理事会成员. 阿什维尔消防局队长斯科特·马林斯现在在消防和救援委员会工作. And now on the Forestry Council is Caitlin Burke, 谁是凯里市与环境和城市林业有关的董事会成员. 点击这里 for the full list of recent appointments.

The state is investing $260,000 into Downtown Strong, a component of Gov. Roy 库珀's Hometown Strong initiative announced last year. “市中心强”是一项通过提供经济发展规划和振兴资源和指导来建设地方政府能力的计划," explained a press release from the N.C. Department of Commerce. It adds that the program, run by the state's Main Street 和 Rural Planning Center, is built on feedback from local-level rural leaders. “Downtown Strong将为北卡罗来纳州的社区提供规划和振兴方面的专业知识,否则这些社区可能无法获得这些资源,州长说。. 库珀. 有兴趣的地方政府可以联系主街和农村规划中心主任利兹·帕勒姆 点击这里 欲知详情.

美国.S. 人口普查局已经确定了可能阻碍参加2020年人口普查的五个障碍, 十年一次的人员统计将作为联邦资源分配给社区的重要组成部分, including planning 和 economic development dollars. In a new report of research into public perceptions 和 circumstances, the Bureau listed the following potential problems in how individuals may regard the decennial headcount: concerns with data confidentiality or privacy; fear of repercussions for answering a question a certain way; distrust in government; a feeling that one's individual participation won't matter; 和 a belief that one's participation won't bring personal benefit. Knowing these possible barriers helps the Bureau in its public education efforts. “Every part of the 2020 Census is grounded in research,” Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham said. “An accurate 和 complete census relies on U.S. households responding to the 2020 Census online, by phone or by mail, 和 the communications campaign is key to achieving that.该报告还表示,不到一半的受访者意识到人口普查结果会影响社区资金. 点击这里 查看完整的报告和其他突出的发现,包括参与的动机. 点击这里 了解更多关于地方领导人在努力完成统计工作中的作用.

Now available is the League's most recent Quarterly Revenue 代表ort, available in a new interactive format 还有一个 PDF. 两者都有房子 on the League’s website​. 最新报告审查了地方政府在2018-2019财年第一季度收到的州征收的地方收入. 这些报告提供了国家收集的地方收入的季度趋势快照,并补充了365足彩下载的年度收入预测, 三月来临. 如果您对收入报告或收入预测有任何疑问,请 contact League Research Strategist Caitlin Saunders​.